Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27th

Jeremy has his 1st physical therapy appt. tomorrow. I hope everything goes well. We received our confirmation paperwork from Dr. Nelson's office about Jeremy's surgery. Jeremy has a per op appt. Aug 25th, I am not sure what we will do that day. On Aug. 30th Jeremy will have his surgery they will be performing 3 procedures, left adductor tenotomy, left  triple pelvic osteotomy and femur core decompression. I was told the operation should only be 2 hours. Ian and I are going to see if we can stay at the Ronald McDonald house for the 3 days.
I am really scared I try not to show this in front of Jeremy. I have a real sadness today,  I wanted to get Jeremy's bus pass for school today but I think I should wait until it's closer to his operation. I know he will not be able to go to school for awhile. I was thinking last night whilst I was tossing and turning in bed, I want to take Jeremy to Disneyland again before his surgery, I think it well make us all feel happy maybe fill our hearts with more hope. I know my son is in good hands, I researched Dr. Nelson  and he has done a lot of amazing things, he is a really good surgeon. But I am just so nervous.

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