Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011

I am waiting on our physical therapy referral. OK here is the story. When we had our first appt. at Loma Linda  with Dr. Nelson we met with his PA on June 24th. She had prescribed physical therapy for Jeremy she wanted him to start right away. Well our not so wonderful primary care physician has taken his time to fax the referral to our insurance. Our insurance company had to call the Dr.'s office July 11th to get them to fax in our referral. So finally after waiting from June 26th till July 11th the not so wonderful Dr.'s office faxed it in for a physical therapy place that does not have pool therapy, does not have the right equipment for a perthes patient.  So now I am waiting for our insurance company to redirect our referral to a place that I want Jeremy to go. I am not having such  a good day today.
I filed a complaint with our insurance company about our not so wonderful primary care provider. I am hoping our problems with this Dr.'s office is over.

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