Thursday, July 28, 2011

physical therapy

Jeremy's 1st physical therapy appt. went well. They dont have alot of perthes patient there so the physical therapist said he was going to research more about the disease so he can make a good program for Jeremy. So his next appt is in the pool yea!
On our way down the hill we got hit. A man backed into me I had to honk my horn  like a ton of times to get him to stop backing up on me. So now my car is messed up, what else can go wrong? I fell like the world is coming undone all around me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27th

Jeremy has his 1st physical therapy appt. tomorrow. I hope everything goes well. We received our confirmation paperwork from Dr. Nelson's office about Jeremy's surgery. Jeremy has a per op appt. Aug 25th, I am not sure what we will do that day. On Aug. 30th Jeremy will have his surgery they will be performing 3 procedures, left adductor tenotomy, left  triple pelvic osteotomy and femur core decompression. I was told the operation should only be 2 hours. Ian and I are going to see if we can stay at the Ronald McDonald house for the 3 days.
I am really scared I try not to show this in front of Jeremy. I have a real sadness today,  I wanted to get Jeremy's bus pass for school today but I think I should wait until it's closer to his operation. I know he will not be able to go to school for awhile. I was thinking last night whilst I was tossing and turning in bed, I want to take Jeremy to Disneyland again before his surgery, I think it well make us all feel happy maybe fill our hearts with more hope. I know my son is in good hands, I researched Dr. Nelson  and he has done a lot of amazing things, he is a really good surgeon. But I am just so nervous.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jeremy's latest x-rays

.Here is Jeremy's latest x-rays taken June 24th 2011. Youcan see the whole head involvement and and the dislocation. I am wondering if they will take more x-rays before his per op appt

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011

I am waiting on our physical therapy referral. OK here is the story. When we had our first appt. at Loma Linda  with Dr. Nelson we met with his PA on June 24th. She had prescribed physical therapy for Jeremy she wanted him to start right away. Well our not so wonderful primary care physician has taken his time to fax the referral to our insurance. Our insurance company had to call the Dr.'s office July 11th to get them to fax in our referral. So finally after waiting from June 26th till July 11th the not so wonderful Dr.'s office faxed it in for a physical therapy place that does not have pool therapy, does not have the right equipment for a perthes patient.  So now I am waiting for our insurance company to redirect our referral to a place that I want Jeremy to go. I am not having such  a good day today.
I filed a complaint with our insurance company about our not so wonderful primary care provider. I am hoping our problems with this Dr.'s office is over.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Appt. with Dr. Nelson

Today we had our first appt. with Dr. Nelson, Jeremy was really scared he is afraid he will never walk again. I told him Dr. Nelson is a very good Dr. who will make his leg pain go away. Jeremy smiled. We got up today at 6 am no one slept good at all. Our appt. was at 8am we were only waiting for about 4 min before we meet Dr. Nelson. He answered all our questions examined Jeremy.
 He told us Jeremy is pretty far along in the disease, he needs surgery very soon. We have 2 surgeries to choose from both have very good results.
1) triple pelvic osteotomy, 6 weeks in a cast no real movement then, When the cast is removed physical therapy is resumed.

2) external fixator, would be on 4-6 months with lots of physical therapy.

Ian and I know he needs the surgery Dr. Nelson told us to research both surgeries we are scheduled for surgery on or about Aug 30. Jeremy will be in the hospital for 3 day given everything goes as scheduled.
I feel good about this we are finally attacking this disease.  I just want my son to be able to run, walk, jump and play without pain.

update:  we decided to go ahead with the triple pelvic osteotomy and if need it use the ex fix as a back up.