Friday, June 15, 2012


I am so grateful and so blessed that I have such a wonderful family. Today I am sitting at home thinking about this last year. Jeremy just amazes me everyday, he runs and jumps and is now riding a bike.  I have to thank Dr. Nelson so much for his wonderful knowledge, and skills as a surgeon. Everyday at the hospital I see so much misery and hopelessness from the patients, and I am reminded how lucky we are. Last week I got to hold a neonate that was 2 weeks early and I was filled with so much hope and faith, I thought I so could be a Pediatric nurse maybe use my experience with what happened to Jeremy but my dream is to be an OR nurse. I still need to get Jeremy's newest x-rays and post them on here,  I also want to show the girls at school his regrowth.
Jeremy turned 8 June 5th one of his presents.

Tonight..We are young...So let's set the world on fire...We can burn brighter..Than the sun  =o)

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