Friday, November 9, 2012

Jeremy's newest xray

On Oct. 28th Jeremy hurt his hip. He hopped off our couch to do his stretches with his dad landed wrong on his left leg screamed in pain, but he is OK. I iced his hip that night, the next day we went to see his Dr.  Jeremy pulled his muscle on his left leg. Bright side we got a new x-ray and I was told he has very  healthy looking bones! Yay!
Taken on Oct 29, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

Jeremy's appt. July 2nd with Dr. Nelson

Jeremy's appt. was really awesome. His Dr. said his hip looks great! yay!! I got a copy of all his x-rays. We go back in 6 months cant wait. My son is just so amazing! Love him. Here are the pics.

when we first found out
after the casts were removed

most current x-ray

I think these other x-rays are from Jeremy's surgery.

Friday, June 15, 2012


I am so grateful and so blessed that I have such a wonderful family. Today I am sitting at home thinking about this last year. Jeremy just amazes me everyday, he runs and jumps and is now riding a bike.  I have to thank Dr. Nelson so much for his wonderful knowledge, and skills as a surgeon. Everyday at the hospital I see so much misery and hopelessness from the patients, and I am reminded how lucky we are. Last week I got to hold a neonate that was 2 weeks early and I was filled with so much hope and faith, I thought I so could be a Pediatric nurse maybe use my experience with what happened to Jeremy but my dream is to be an OR nurse. I still need to get Jeremy's newest x-rays and post them on here,  I also want to show the girls at school his regrowth.
Jeremy turned 8 June 5th one of his presents.

Tonight..We are young...So let's set the world on fire...We can burn brighter..Than the sun  =o)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A mayo Clinic video

I just found this you tube Video, it's from the Mayo Clinic fairly new from Jan 9.2012. Anthony Stans, M.D. of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Mayo Clinic discusses perthes disease. I didn't know  there is currently research being done on meds that may help.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 8th appt with Dr. Nelson

Jeremy is doing really well. His latest appt. was really awesome. I was a little scared because Jeremy has been complaining about pain in his right hip. His latest x-ray shows bone regrowth in his left hip yay!! His right hip looks fine. We are so happy! Our next appt. is July 2nd. I am going to get a copy of the newest x-rays and post them as soon as I can.