Friday, August 19, 2011

11 days untill surgery

I can't believe Jeremy's surgery day is getting so close. I still feel we are not ready lol, but we are. Jeremy has been doing really good in his physical therapy and pool therapy. I have noticed a real improvement in his walking and over all he seems happier. Here are some new pics of Jeremy.
Physical therapy

Jeremy hiked down to the narrows with no help his 1st trip down there. He only needed help at the very end of the hike it's a huge hill.

 Pool therapy Jeremy started playing with the pool wieghts whilst waiting for his appt. time.

Monday, August 1, 2011

pool therapy today

Jeremy really liked the pool therapy today. The physical therapist had him do a ton of leg exercises and Jeremy really enjoyed himself. He goes back Thursday for more pool time. Here are some of his pics from the 1st  pool therapy session.
when we first checked in

Jeremy got in the pool 1st time


mommy look at me