Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 4th

On May 4th it will be Jeremy's 2nd. year anniversary of finding out he has perthes. What a difference 2 years can make. He is no longer in pain, no longer has a limp and most of all he can run really fast. I remember it like it was yesterday. Dr. Rocha called me and told me Jeremy has been diagnosed with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. I had never even heard of it. We felt so alone. I cried and didn't understand why him he is just a little boy. But by God's grace we were referred to see Dr. Scott Nelson. Jeremy had a very invasive surgery, but we don't regret our decision. Now you would never know Jeremy has perthes. The only time he complains of hip pain is when the weather changes. Dr. Nelson told us Jeremy would develop arthritis. My hope through this blog is that I can reach as many parents as possible, so they don't feel quite so alone.  We are very blessed!

Shortly after Jeremy was diagnosed with perthes disease

Right Before surgery

During hospital stay

1 year after
