Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dec. 16 appt with Dr.Nelson

Jeremy's appt yesterday was really awesome. Dr. Nelson said Jeremy's hip looks great, healing and shaping wonderfully. He also said the bones are forming great, Jeremy will not need a hip replacement until he is much older. And for the most wonderful part of the appt, we do not have to see Dr. Nelson for a year!!  :) take that perthes

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 3rd appt. with Dr. Nelson

Playing in the room Jeremy said he was a Dr.
Jeremy had his appt. yesterday with Dr. Nelson it was a good appt. but not a great one.  Jeremy is still in the fragmentation stage. His Dr. said he thought the x-rays looked good no need for concern, but they still need to keep an eye on his left hip. We have another appt. in 6 months. I feel as though perthes just does what it wants, I am feeling a little defeated. Bright side Jeremy had fun playing in the room waiting for Dr. Nelson and we got a picture with him.

June 3rd x-ray and  lol a zipper and button
June 3rd

Jeremy and Dr. Nelson

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 4th

On May 4th it will be Jeremy's 2nd. year anniversary of finding out he has perthes. What a difference 2 years can make. He is no longer in pain, no longer has a limp and most of all he can run really fast. I remember it like it was yesterday. Dr. Rocha called me and told me Jeremy has been diagnosed with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. I had never even heard of it. We felt so alone. I cried and didn't understand why him he is just a little boy. But by God's grace we were referred to see Dr. Scott Nelson. Jeremy had a very invasive surgery, but we don't regret our decision. Now you would never know Jeremy has perthes. The only time he complains of hip pain is when the weather changes. Dr. Nelson told us Jeremy would develop arthritis. My hope through this blog is that I can reach as many parents as possible, so they don't feel quite so alone.  We are very blessed!

Shortly after Jeremy was diagnosed with perthes disease

Right Before surgery

During hospital stay

1 year after


Friday, April 26, 2013


Jeremy finally got to have his family go with him.  I wanted to share the pics. We went March 25, 2013. Good times, good times. I wish things were still the same, I never got to share these pics with my Mom, she couldn't wait to see them. So I am sharing with all of you.
California Adventure we just got there heading for Cars land.
Waiting in line

Meme and Tuggie

So looks like they are up to no good
ahhh Jeremy got jumped :)

The usual suspects

Meme, Tuggie, Jeremy and Modi

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's always darkest before the dawn

So  March 27th Jeremy's grandma passed away. It has been pretty hard on all of us. My Mom was such an inspiration to us. Jeremy has been coping OK. I am a mess. My Dad has been staying with us, he cries a lot. I wish there was a way to make the pain go away. My Mom is our angel watching us from heaven.
I am even more committed now more than ever to volunteer my time and do missionary work . I am going to use the gift the lord gave, to help everyone I meet.

So this last weekend we decided to take my Dad and our families and go riding. I tell you my son  has no fear. He has only been riding three times on a little quad. But he decided he wanted to try a ATC and he did so awesome!!!!I just love this kid. Perthes cant keep him down.

Jeremy's next appt. with the most awesome Doctor in the world is June 3rd. I can't wait to see how much bone regrowth there is. Jeremy stopped doing his stretches after my mom passed away. I am hoping that he is still going to be as limber as he was back in January.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jeremy doing his stretches

Jeremy has been doing his perthes stretches on and off for a little over a year now. When he first started them he could barely stretch his left leg, he would complain that it hurts tooo much.  I started letting him do the stretches on his own when he wanted about 7 months ago. These pics where taken Monday night. Crazy how limber he is now. Jeremy is so strong now I am so proud of him. When its really warm he can take his left leg stretch it, so that his heel is resting on his back.  My little man wants to learn to snow board now.  He wants to try jiu jitsu. This kid has no fear anymore. He has the heart of 20 men. Go to sleep in a lion's den.